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  • Cotran


General Description

COTRAN is a acid cured furan resin. This is 2 part acid cured system used for large mould & cores in C.I., S.G. Iron & steel foundries.


Furfuryl alcohol is readly available & cheaper than most plasticizers like phenol etc. Furan is nontoxic, nonflammable & therefore can be handled easily.


  • Faster rate of curing hence higher Productivity.
  • Excellent hot strength, allows it to be used for steel, ductile, CI and even for non ferrous Casting.
  • Excellent surface finish and collapsibility.
  • Reclamation of sand up to 95% is possible and use of reclaimed sand leads to reduced binder additions.
  • Excellent flowability of sand facilitates easy production of intricate cores and moulds.
  • Shelf life is better than phenolic resin - acid catalyst systems & odour while mixing is less.

Instruction for use

Choose a dry sand having AFS No. 50-55 with low acid demand value & clay content 0.2 - 0.5 % . If used on batch mixer, than add COTRAN PART B - mix for 1½ followed by COTRAN PART A mix for 2 min.

Addition Levels

SAND 50-55 AFS (New) : 100 %
COTRAN PART A 1.8 to ±0.2 % of Sand.
COTRAN PART B 50 ± 20 % of Part A

The Following factors directly effect the bench life & strip time of the mixed sand.

  • a) Increase in BENCH LIFE Lower proportion of COTRAN PART-B
  • b) Decrease in BENCH LIFE Higher proportion of COTRAN PART-B
  • The COTRAN PART B level can be varied from 30-70% to influence to bench life. Shop floor adjustment needs to be made based on actual trials.

  • C) Range of COTRAN PART B are available for achieving desired strip time.

New Sand with COTRAN PART B

(Minutes) 10 ± 2 (Minutes) 40 ± 10

Sand Test Result

SAND (NEW) 100 %
COTRAN PART A 1.8 ± 0.2 %
COTRAN PART B 50 ± 20 % of part A
Time after sand mix Preparation Compression strength kg/cm2
12 - 15min 10 ± 2
1st hrs 24 ± 2
2nd hrs 40 ± 2
4th hrs 60 ± 2

Standard Packing

COTRAN PART A : 240 kg in Steel Barrel

COTRAN PART B : 50/100 kg is Plastic Carboys

Recommendation for Best result:

  • 1) Sand must be dry free from carbonates and chlorides with clay not more than 0.5 % Max.
  • 2) Binder (Resin) and catalyst addition may be varied according to nature of sand climatic conditions and bench life required.
  • 3) Water base coating are preferred.

Precaution :

Contact with Part A & Part B, should be avoided.

In case of -

  • 1) Contact with skin : wash with soap water
  • 2) Contact with eyes : wash out throughly with water and consult eye specialist immediately.
  • 3) Spillage : Do not flush with water, which can contaminate the sewage, cover the spillage with sand or saw dust and disposal the waste recommended disposal site.
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