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  • Cotset


General Description

COTSET is a phenol formaldehyde resin which is activated by ester. It is used for making mould & cores production suitable for ferrous steel & nonferrous casting. COTSET PART A is a highly alkaline phenolic resin. COTACT PART B is an ester.


Convetional alkyd resin system require higher setting time up to 70-80 minutes, whereas COTSET - has faster setting time up to 45 - 50 min., which enables production of mould at faster rate.


  • Excellent dimensional accuracy.
  • high mould & core strength.
  • Good breakdown properties.
  • Low emission of fumes during pouring.
  • Superior casting finish.
  • Good resistence to sagging.
  • Faster rate of production.
  • Low gas evolutuion.

Instruction for use

Choose a dry sand having AFS no. 50-55 with low acid demand value & clay content 0.5 % max. If used on batch mixer, than add COTACT PART B-mix for 11/2 mix for 11/2 min.

Addition Levels

SAND 50-55 AFS (New) 100 %
COTACT PART A 2 ± 0.2 % of sand
COTACT PART B 25 ± 5.0 % of part A

The Following factors directly effect the bench life & strip time of the mixed sand.

  • a) Increase in BENCH LIFE Lower proportion of COTACT PART-B
  • b) Decrease in BENCH LIFE Higher proportion of COTACT PART-B
  • The COTACT PART B level can be varied from 40-60 % to influence the B e n c h Life. Shop floor adjustment needs to be made based on actual trials.

  • C) Range of COTACT PART B are available for achieving desired strip time.

New Sand with COTACT PART B

5 ± 25 min 40 ± 10 min

Sand Test Result

SAND(NEW) 100 %
COTSET PART A 2 ± 0.2% of sand
COTSET PART B 25 ± 5% COTSET Part A part
Time after sand mix Preparation Compression strength kg/cm2
1st hrs 10 ± 2
2nd hrs 20 ± 2
4th hrs 40 ± 2
24th hrs 40 ± 2

Standard Packing

COTSET PART A : 250 kg in Steel Barrel

COTSET PART B : 50kg Carboys

Shelf Life & Storage

Shelf life is two months from the date of manufacturing. It is therefore recommended that the material should be used within specified time period COTSET PART A & COTACT PART B is a strong organic compound & Direct Contact with skin or body should be avoided.

Precaution :

Contact with Part A & Part B, should be avoided.

In case of -

  • 1) Contact with skin : wash with soap water
  • 2) Contact with eyes : wash out throughly with water wash & seek medial advice immediately.
  • 3) Spillage : Do not flush with water, which can contaminate the sewage, cover the spillage with sand or saw dust and disposal the waste recommended disposal site.
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