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  • High Density Sleeves


( A Highly Exothermic – High Density Spot Riser for Iron and Steel Castings )


CASTFEED – SR is a highly Exothermic – High Density Spot Feeder Sleeve specially designed and developed for high pressure green sand moulding lines in Iron Foundries and for Steel Castings as well.

The high density and thick Wall of CASTFEED - SR withstands the mechanical pressure on the unit during ram –up applications in high Pressure Moulding Lines .

CASTFEED - SR Sleeves are highly exothermic with M.e.f. about 2 and used to feed iron and steel castings in the modulus range between 1.0cm and 4.0 cm.

CASTFEED - SR Sleeves carry a small feed metal volume and around 50 -70% of the liquid metal is fed to casting section depending on the geometry of the castings and its feed metal requirements.,

Selction of CASTFEED - SR is based on the Section Modulus, feed metal demand and feeding distance factor.

The Following are the Merits of Castfeed – SR :

  • High Yield
  • Self Centering Sleeves – Very useful in vertically parted Moulding lines.
  • High Feeding efficiency with less volume of metal
  • Can feed specific area in a casting
  • Very Less Area of contact, thus low fettling Cost
  • Micro Structure of Iron Castings is not affected due to the presence of breaker core / metal part in between the sleeve and casting.
  • Very Much Suitable for high Pressure Lines without affecting Productivity
  • Very good internal Soundness in Castings

Packing :

CASTFEED-SR Sleeves are available in shrink wrapped cardboard trays for the ease of handling and for reducing moisture pick-up in sleeves.

Storage :

CASTFEED-SR Sleeves should be kept in room temperature. The sleeves should be removed from its packing only at the time of use to avoid moisture pick-up in sleeves.

Technical Data

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